Nobel Explorers Projects
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Registration is OPEN! AGE GROUPS: 10-13 DURATION: 5 weeks TIME: 4 PM - 6 PM ET Who's afraid of the 6th grade? Mastering grade 6 math has now become an adventure your child will not want to miss! Tackling geometry by surviving the zombie apocalypse and mastering algebra by managing a zoo, ensures your child will stay on track with math and gain Read more...
Rescue Mr. Bobo's Restaurant
Expressions and Exponents - Grade 6
Registration is CLOSED! AGE GROUPS: 10-13 DURATION: 1 hour TIME: 10 AM – 11 PM ET OR 12 PM - 1 PM ET If you want to schedule another time slot, please contact us As a team we will learn how to solve expressions, substitute values into equations and see how exponents Read more...
Submarine to Atlantis
Number Systems - Grade 6
Registration is OPEN! AGE GROUPS: 10-13 DURATION: 1 week TIME: 4 PM – 6 PM ET Get to Natlantis safely with your own submarine design and many superheroes! Explorers will design a submarine’s seating chart for superheroes and their favorite characters, ensuring they master the Cartesian plane. As we travel, we will encounter sea turtles and become familiar with the fractions. Overcoming Read more...
Zombie Apocalypse
Geometry - Grade 6
Registration is OPEN! AGE GROUPS: 10-13 DURATION: 1 week TIME: 4 PM – 6 PM ET Survive the zombie apocalypse! Get to the pentagon safely with your classmates. Explorers need to band together and decide what items to take to survive the apocalypse. We master area and volume by packing our backpacks. Once we get to the pentagon, we have tons of Read more...