• Lakeside Zoo

    Expressions and Exponents - Grade 6


    Registration is OPEN! AGE GROUPS: 10-13 DURATION: 1 week TIME: 4 PM – 6 PM ET Master grade 6 math by managing a zoo and solving a crime Explorers will master the Equations and Expressions module by managing the Lakeside Zoo residents. While solving fun crime mysteries, explorers will learn how to solve everyday problems with mathematical equations.

  • $99.00

    Registration is OPEN! AGE GROUPS: 8-10, 11-13, 14-17, 18-29 DURATION: 5 weeks LIVE CLASS: 8 hours total TIME: 10 AM - 12 PM ET Program a website with a global team. Explorers will build a website and take their coding skills to the next level in this continuation of the first Coding and Web Design adventure. Explorers will use HTML, Read more...

  • $99.00

    Registration is OPEN! AGE GROUPS: 8-10, 11-13, 14-17, 18-29 DURATION: 5 weeks LIVE CLASS: 8 hours total TIME: 10 AM - 12 PM ET Create your very own Chatbot specialized in any topic you can come up with. Explorers will get introduced to the magnificent world of Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing by creating their very own Chatbot. The course requires no previous experience, so it's an excellent first Read more...

  • $79.00 / month

    Registration is OPEN! AGE GROUPS: 8-11, 12-15 DURATION: Ongoing LIVE CLASS: 3 hours/week Master conversational English while discussing different topics with native speakers. Welcome to our online speaking club! The conversation club prides itself on connecting kids from all over the world. Learning English in a supportive atmosphere outside of a classroom creates a unique learning experience. What is English Speaking Read more...

  • Zombie Apocalypse

    Geometry - Grade 6


    Registration is OPEN! AGE GROUPS: 10-13 DURATION: 1 week TIME: 4 PM – 6 PM ET  Survive the zombie apocalypse! Get to the pentagon safely with your classmates. Explorers need to band together and decide what items to take to survive the apocalypse. We master area and volume by packing our backpacks. Once we get to the pentagon, we have tons of Read more...

  • $469.00

    Registration is OPEN! AGE GROUPS: 8-10, 11-13, 14-17, 18-29 DURATION: 4 weeks LIVE CLASS: 2 hours TIME: 4 PM - 6 PM ET  Explorers will develop valuable skills and gain real leadership experience. During your child's leadership journey, they will learn critical skills such as teamwork, effective dialog, and how to perfect their pitch and presentations.

  • $99.00

    Registration is OPEN! AGE GROUPS: 8-10, 11-13, 14-17, 18-29 DURATION:  5 weeks LIVE CLASS: 8 hours total TIME: 10 AM - 12 PM ET  Design an eye-catching movie poster using design principles and tools. Explorers dive into the world of design to create a movie poster about a cause close to their hearts. They will choose the topic and learn Read more...

  • $99.00

    Registration is OPEN! AGE GROUPS: 8-10, 11-13, 14-17, 18-29 DURATION: 5 weeks LIVE CLASS: 8 hours total TIME: 10 AM - 12 PM ET  Develop a text-based game with PYTHON. Explorers will create their very own game using the PYTHON programming language. (Think ZORK or BANDERSNATCH with a Nobellian spin.) Explorers learn elements of game design and storytelling which they Read more...

  • Rescue Mr. Bobo's Restaurant

    Expressions and Exponents - Grade 6


    Registration is CLOSED! AGE GROUPS: 10-13 DURATION: 1 hour TIME: 10 AM – 11 PM ET OR 12 PM - 1 PM ET If you want to schedule another time slot, please contact us community@nobelcoaching.com As a team we will learn how to solve expressions, substitute values into equations and see how exponents Read more...

  • $159.00

    Registration is OPEN! AGE GROUPS: 8-10, 11-13, 14-17, 18-29 DURATION: 5 weeks LIVE CLASS: 8 hours total TIME: 10 AM – 12 PM ET Explore your creative potential and learn the processes for design thinking. How do designers think? Designers are involved with the process organizations use to develop products and services. In this course, we will teach the processes and strategies for design thinking. Tap Read more...

  • Become a statistician

    Statistics - Grade 6


    Registration is OPEN! AGE GROUPS: 10-13 DURATION: 1 week TIME: 4 PM – 6 PM ET Master grade 6 statistics by becoming a statistician yourself for the day and going on a biking journey! Explorers will master the grade 6 Statistics unit as they become statisticians for the day – collecting data during our session and analyzing it. During Day 2, the Read more...

  • $99.00

    Registration is OPEN! AGE GROUPS: 8-10, 11-13, 14-17, 18-29 DURATION: 5 weeks LIVE CLASS: 8 hours total TIME: 10 AM - 12 PM ET Build a website using a visual builder, basic html, and CSS. Explorers will create their own website from scratch! As a team, the Explorers will decide the theme of their website and what it will look like. After Read more...