Best Summer STEM Activities for Kids
/0 Comments/in All, For Educators /by Predrag MWhen we’re discussing the education of our children, it’s easy for us to just focus on the schooling aspect. We often obsess about getting them into top-level schools and providing them with the very best of conditions for learning. That being said, school is just one side of the coin when we’re talking about education. […]
Four Mistakes to Avoid When Teaching Entrepreneurial Skills to Kids
/0 Comments/in For Educators, For Individuals, For Students /by Predrag MAs parents, we want to provide our children with the best possible tools so they can lead a happy, independent, and successful life. The more tools they acquire, the more options they’ll have for choosing and excelling at a career they want to build for themselves. Academic success is important, unquestionably, and it’s still a […]
Advantages to Working and Learning in a Global Team
/0 Comments/in For Educators, For Individuals, For Students /by Predrag MCosmin R. is the project lead and gamification expert for Nobel Explorers. He is the person behind Nobel’s system that rewards students with badges and allows them to track their progress. Cosmin also uses his game design expertise to teach Explorers how to make their own board game. He shares his personal experiences working in […]
Are Gifted Children Limited in a Traditional School Setting?
/0 Comments/in For Educators, For Individuals, For Students /by Predrag MSophie is an academic, test prep, and life coach at Nobel Coaching & Tutoring as well as project instructor and soft skills expert for Nobel Explorers. She is an authority on the topics of developing teamwork and leadership. Through 1-on-1 coaching sessions, she helps students improve both their academic and personal life, all the while […]
Three Skills That Will Guarantee Your Child a Job 20 Years from Now
/0 Comments/in For Educators, For Individuals, For Students /by Predrag MAndrew Sachs is the founder and CEO of Nobel Coaching & Tutoring, and Nobel Explorers. Through online educational coaching and tutoring, as well as an online, international STEM teamwork camp, Andrew’s vision for Nobel is to activate student motivation that results in improved learning outcomes. As the next industrial revolution draws ever so near, he […]
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